GLJ V The Trustee of the Roman Catholic Church for the Diocese of Lismore [2023] HCA 32
Delivered 1 November 2023 Background A Court can award a permanent stay to a defendant who is unable to fairly defend a claim brought against them because of the unavailability of witnesses and/or documents due to the passage of time. GLJ commenced proceedings in January 2020 against the Diocese for psychiatric injuries caused by alleged Find out more >
Compensation for Injured Motorcyclists in Queensland. What You Must Know.
Motorcycle accidents can result in severe injuries and can be a traumatic experience for the injured party. In Queensland, it is important for motorcyclists to understand their rights and the compensation they may be entitled to if they are injured in an accident. This article provides an overview of motorcycle injury compensation in Queensland, including Find out more >
Can You Claim Compensation for Work Injuries in Queensland if Self-Employed?
In Queensland, just like in any other state in Australia, workers’ compensation is primarily designed to provide financial support and assistance to individuals who suffer injuries or work-related illnesses. However, there often seems to be confusion surrounding the eligibility of self-employed individuals to claim workers’ compensation benefits. Many people mistakenly assume that only employees are Find out more >
Claiming Workers' Compensation for Post-traumatic stress disorder in Queensland
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can severely impact an individual’s life, specifically when it arises after experiencing a traumatic event at the workplace. For workers in Queensland, understanding the process of claiming workers’ compensation for PTSD is crucial. What is PTSD in Queensland? In Queensland, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is Find out more >
How is Pain & Suffering Calculated for Workers' Compensation Claims in Queensland
Workers’ compensation claims in Queensland can be complex, especially when it comes to calculating pain and suffering. Understanding how pain and suffering is assessed and proven is crucial for individuals seeking fair compensation for their injuries. This article will explore the process of calculating pain and suffering in workers’ compensation claims in Queensland, including what Find out more >
Casual employees make up a large proportion of the Australian Workforce, with around 3 million people casually employed. Casual workers can be employed directly by an employer or through a labour hire agency. Casual workers are usually employed in temporary or contract jobs and work irregular hours. They are not entitled to sick pay or Find out more >
In Queensland, workers compensation is a crucial protection system that provides financial support and medical assistance to workers who suffer injuries or illnesses in the course of their employment. However, one question that arises is whether workers are covered by this compensation if they sustain injuries while working from the comfort of their own homes. Find out more >
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