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More Changes to Workers’ Compensation Laws

By 4 September 2015News & Articles

The Workers’ Compensation laws in Queensland are about to change again, but this time for the better.

Under the proposed amendments, workers who were injured at work between 15 October 2013 and 31 January 2015 may have access to further compensation, and those who were injured after 31 January 2015 will have access to common law damages, even if their injury doesn’t beat the existing 5% threshold for whole person impairment.

If you have been made an offer of lump sum compensation for an injury sustained prior to 31 January 2015, a claim for further compensation can only be made if the offer has not already been accepted. Therefore if you are sitting on an offer DO NOT accept it before obtaining legal advice.

The removal of the 5% whole person impairment threshold will restore access to common law damages for many injured workers injured post 31 January 2015.
The amendment Bill is presently before parliament. It is expected to be passed into law mid-September 2015.

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