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Are casual workers eligible to get workers compensation in Queensland?

Are casual workers eligible to get workers compensation in Queensland?

By News & Articles

Yes, casual employees in Queensland are entitled to workers’ compensation if they are injured at work. Regardless of their employment status, all workers have the right to claim compensation for work-related injuries or illnesses under Queensland’s mandatory WorkCover scheme.

Statutory Compensation Benefits for Casual Workers

Casual workers in Queensland have the same workers’ compensation entitlements as full-time or part-time employees as protected by the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act of 2003. This includes the ability to claim for:

  • Lost wages through weekly payments
  • Medical expenses, such as doctor visits, hospital stays, and rehabilitation costs
  • Lump sum payments for permanent impairment

The amount of compensation a casual worker receives is typically calculated based on their average weekly earnings prior to the injury. While casual workers may not have set hours, their entitlements are still assessed and paid out accordingly.

What to Do if You are Injured at Work as a Casual Employee

If you are a casual worker who has sustained an injury at work, take note that you must follow the proper procedures to lodge a successful workers’ compensation claim. This includes:

  1. Seeking prompt medical attention for the work-related injury or illness

This ensures a clear medical record supports the compensation claim and prevents the condition from worsening.

  1. Reporting the incident to their employer as soon as possible

This step is crucial for several reasons: it fulfils legal obligations stipulated by Queensland’s workers’ compensation laws, ensuring compliance and safeguarding the claim from potential jeopardy. Early reporting also preserves crucial evidence, such as witness statements and incident reports, enhancing the claim’s strength.

  1. Submitting the required claim forms and medical certificates

The primary document is the Workers’ Compensation Claim Form, which details the injury or illness, incident specifics, and employment details. A crucial supporting document is the Work Capacity Certificate, issued by the treating medical professional, outlining the injury’s nature, work capacity, and recommended treatments.

  1. Providing comprehensive documentation to support the claim

This documentation includes comprehensive medical records such as doctor’s notes, test results, and treatment plans, crucial for establishing the injury’s nature and its relation to work. Incident reports from the employer’s internal system detail the circumstances of the incident, while witness statements provide additional verification. Wage records like pay slips or timesheets help calculate compensation accurately, and photographic evidence of injuries or the incident scene adds visual support.

Common Law Damages Claims

In addition to the statutory benefits, casual workers may also be eligible to pursue a common law damages claim if they can prove their employer’s negligence contributed to their injury.

This second stage of the claims process is more complex, as the worker must demonstrate their employer failed to provide a safe work environment. Seeking legal advice from our expert compensation lawyers at GC Law is crucial.

Job Security Concerns for Casual Workers

One of the key concerns for casual workers when making a workers’ compensation claim is the potential impact on their job security. Casual employees generally have less job stability compared to permanent staff, and there is a perception that filing a claim could jeopardize future work opportunities.

However, it is important to note that employers are legally prohibited from dismissing a worker or discriminating against them for making a legitimate workers’ compensation claim. The Fair Work Act 2009 provides safeguards against unfair dismissal in these situations.

That said, the reality is that some employers may still be reluctant to offer further work to casual employees who have made a claim. This highlights the importance for casual workers to seek legal advice to ensure their rights are protected and to navigate the claims process effectively.

The Role of Legal Advice

Given the complexities involved in workers’ compensation claims, particularly for casual employees, seeking legal advice from experienced compensation lawyers is highly advised.

Our experts in compensation law can assist casual workers in:

  • Understanding their full entitlements and rights
  • Properly documenting and submitting the claim
  • Navigating the statutory benefits and common law damages stages
  • Protecting their job security and addressing any unfair treatment by the employer

We can provide valuable guidance and support to ensure casual workers receive the full compensation they are entitled to.


In summary, casual employees in Queensland have the same rights and entitlements as other workers when it comes to workers’ compensation. They can claim for lost wages, medical expenses, and lump sum payments for permanent impairment, following the proper procedures.

While casual workers may face additional challenges, such as job security concerns, they are legally protected against unfair dismissal or discrimination for making a legitimate claim.

If you have been injured at work as a casual employee, seek legal advice from our team of experienced compensation lawyers to ensure you understand your rights and receive the full compensation you are entitled to. Connect with us and we will review your concern for free.

How Does WorkCover Queensland Work Out Weekly Benefits During a Workers’ Compensation Claim?

How Does WorkCover Queensland Work Out Weekly Benefits During a Workers’ Compensation Claim?

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A common question asked by those who suffer an injury at work and make a workers’ compensation claim under Queensland’s scheme is how much they are entitled to in weekly benefits under the Workers Compensation & Rehabilitation Act 2003 (‘the Act’).

A number of factors are considered in working out weekly benefits as part of a WorkCover claim, including:

  • the length of time a worker is expected to be off work after receiving a work capacity certificate or other medical assessment of the injury;
  • the date the worker was injured;
  • the date the injury was assessed;
  • the length of time you’ve been receiving compensation;
  • whether an award or workplace agreement covers the worker;
  • what the worker’s wage payments are each week (Normal Weekly Earnings or NWE);
  • the current Queensland full-time adult ordinary time earnings (QOTE).

What information does WorkCover use to calculate weekly compensation?

WorkCover uses information from your employer or from the injured worker to calculate what they normally earn. This is known as Normal Weekly Earnings (NWE). To do this WorkCover will generally ask for:

  • an itemised payroll report from the claimant’s employer covering the 12 months before the date of injury. The report must show each payment including wages, penalties and allowances; or
  • payslips from your employer, or from the claimant, for 12 months before the date of injury (or from the date started, if less than 12 months).

If neither of these records can be provided, WorkCover will also accept tax invoices or bank statements as evidence of earnings for the relevant period. NWE, it should be noted, accounts for penalty rates paid, allowances (other than some excluded allowances), and overtime, but does not include superannuation.

The QOTE is also taken into account in determining weekly benefits. This is a full-time adult’s ordinary time earnings as declared by the Australian Statistician. Each time QOTE changes, the compensation amounts payable to injured workers need to be adjusted, including for weekly payments of compensation, a process that occurs on 1 July each year.

How is weekly compensation worked out?

For claims up to 26 weeks, the weekly benefit payable is the greater of 85 percent of NWW or 80 per cent of QOTE, for those workers not covered by an award or a workplace agreement (also known as the ‘industrial instrument’) – but not more than a person’s normal weekly earnings.

For claims between 26 weeks to 104 weeks, the weekly amount payable is worked out as the greater of 75 per cent of NWE or 70 per cent of QOTE.

For those workers who remain unfit for work after two years, compensation will depend on the degree of impairment. A worker in this situation should seek expert legal advice from an experienced compensation lawyer.

If an injured worker returns to work part-time or on restricted duties, weekly compensation payments may be reduced. WorkCover should be kept apprised of any changes to the claimant’s work status.

Tax will be deducted from the weekly payments, just as when the worker is being paid at work, but deductions are not made for superannuation. The employer may still be required to pay the worker’s superannuation while they are injured, depending on the award or workplace agreement.

Weekly compensation payments will stop when the worker recovers from the injury and returns to work; receives a lump-sum offer to settle the claim; has been receiving weekly payments for five years, or; total weekly compensation received reaches the maximum amount payable.

Uncertain? Contact our workers’ compensation experts

At GC Law, we’re experts in workers’ compensation claims. Bring the details of your claim to us and we can help you find out what you can expect to be paid on a weekly basis while you’re injured, as well as discuss the broader aspects of your claim. Our professionals will provide the right guidance to ensure you’re looked after while you recover.

New Rules and Penalties for Personal Mobility Devices in Queensland

New Rules and Penalties for Personal Mobility Devices in Queensland

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A brief walk around any city or town will quickly make it clear how popular e-scooters, e-skateboards, e-bikes and other personal mobility devices have become on our streets.

As a pedestrian, you may also have had a near miss with someone riding one of these devices travelling on paths or close to the edge of the road at high velocity. In fact, there have been 10 fatalities since 2018 and almost 1,000 presentations to emergency departments in central Brisbane between November 2018 and May 2021 as a result of accidents and collisions with personal mobility devices.

These tragedies saw road and pedestrian safety campaigners ramp up efforts to force the law to catch up with the rapid spread of the devices. New laws governing the use of e-scooters were introduced in November 2022 to bring riders into line with the rules applying to cyclists. These rules restricted riders to travelling at 12 km/h on footpaths and shared paths (unless signed otherwise) and 25 km/h for all other bike paths and roads. Riders were also required to follow general road rules, such as stopping at red lights. Increased fines were also introduced.

Since then more changes have occurred governing personal mobility devices, which we’ll detail in this article.

More detail on personal mobility device laws

Late in 2023, updated legislation was introduced in the Queensland parliament making it an offence for the rider of a personal mobility device such as an e-scooter to ride without due care and attention on a road-related area, such as a footpath, bike path or shared path. New fines up to $1,161 were also introduced for dangerous offences involving speed, illegal road use and holding a mobile phone while riding.

Age restrictions apply to riding an e-scooter in Queensland. Riders must be at least 16 years old or at least 12 years and supervised by an adult while riding the device. Children under 12 are not permitted to ride an e-scooter.

E-scooters must also:

  • be designed for use by one person only;
  • meet certain length and height dimensions;
  • have a maximum weight of 60kg (when not carrying a person or load);
  • be powered by an electric motor, and;
  • have one or more wheels.

Speed limits: Personal mobility devices such as e-scooters and e-skateboards are subject to new speed limits for the safety of riders and pedestrians. On footpaths and shared paths (unless signed otherwise) the limit is now 12km/h, and on separated footpaths and bicycle paths (unless signed otherwise), not more than 25km/h. Certain areas – high-pedestrian traffic zones or specific locations where the use of personal mobility devices poses safety risks – may be designated as no-go zones for personal mobility devices.

Personal mobility devices may also be ridden on some bike lanes on roads and local streets at 25km/h where there is a speed limit of 50km/h or less.

Queensland law also makes it mandatory for riders to wear an Australian Standard (AS) approved bicycle helmet or an approved motorbike helmet when aboard a personal mobility device in public spaces, unless you have a medical certificate authorising you not to wear a helmet for medical reasons or because of a physical characteristic that makes it unreasonable for you to wear one.

It’s illegal to ride one of these devices while holding a mobile phone in your hand or resting it on any part of your body, and the phone does not need to be turned on for this act to be an offence.

All personal mobility devices must be equipped with an effective stopping system controlled by using brakes, gears or motor control. They must also have a working bell, horn or a similar warning device, and devices must not be operated with any sharp protrusions. Riding at night requires a white light (flashing or steady) at the front and a red light (flashing or steady) at the back, both of which must be capable of being clearly seen at least 200m away.

It’s illegal to carry another person while riding a personal mobility device, including a child. As part of ensuring riders follow general road rules observed by motorists and cyclists, operating a device under the influence of alcohol or drugs is strictly prohibited.

Penalties for breaching the new rules

Fines have increased for offences against the current suite of rules around use of personal mobility devices in a clear move to deter risky and reckless behaviour that has previously caused deaths as a result of collisions.

The most common offences and the relevant fines are:

  • Speeding – up to $619;
  • Not wearing a helmet – up to $154;
  • Riding with another person on board – up to $154;
  • Riding on a prohibited road – up to $185;
  • Using a mobile phone while riding – up to $1,161.

Check with our professional team for more details

The rules have changed and the fines have increased for the use and misuse of personal mobility devices in Queensland, reflecting increasing concern about dangerous and reckless acts which have sadly caused death and injury.
The changes are unlikely to deter the continued growth of personal mobility devices, however, given the convenience and affordability they offer. If any of the detail raised in this article is unclear or you need more information, or have been involved in an incident involving a personal mobility device, contact our experienced team at GC Law today to discuss your issue.

How Will a Pre-Existing Injury Impact My Compensation Claim?

How Will a Pre-Existing Injury Impact My Compensation Claim?

By News & Articles

Pre-existing injuries can significantly impact workers’ compensation claims in Queensland, adding complexity to an already challenging process. When an employee sustains an injury at work, the presence of a pre-existing condition can raise questions about the extent of the employer’s liability and the worker’s entitlement to compensation. In this article, we’ll explore how pre-existing injuries are addressed in Queensland’s workers’ compensation system and the key considerations for injured employees.

Understanding Pre-Existing Injuries

A pre-existing injury is any medical condition or physical impairment that an employee had prior to sustaining a work-related injury. These conditions can range from chronic illnesses like diabetes or arthritis to previous injuries, such as back or knee problems. Pre-existing injuries may be known to the employee and employer at the time of hiring, or they may be undiagnosed or undisclosed.

In the context of workers’ compensation, a pre-existing injury becomes relevant when it is aggravated, accelerated, or exacerbated by a work-related incident or the nature of the employee’s job duties. For example, if an employee with a history of back problems lifts a heavy object at work and experiences a severe back spasm, the pre-existing condition has been aggravated by the work-related activity.

Disclosure of Pre-Existing Injuries

Employees have a legal obligation to disclose any known pre-existing injuries or medical conditions to their employer, particularly if they are relevant to the job duties they will be performing. Failure to disclose a pre-existing condition can have serious consequences for an employee’s workers’ compensation claim.

If an employee knowingly withholds information about a pre-existing injury and later aggravates that condition at work, the employer and insurer may argue that the employee’s entitlement to compensation is limited or void.

Aggravation vs. New Injuries

When an employee with a pre-existing injury sustains a work-related injury, the first step is to determine whether the incident has aggravated the pre-existing condition or caused a new, separate injury. This distinction is critical because it impacts the employee’s entitlement to compensation and the employer’s liability.

If the work-related incident has aggravated a pre-existing injury, the employee may be entitled to compensation for the extent to which the aggravation has increased their symptoms or impairment. The employer’s liability may be limited to the aggravation itself, rather than the entire pre-existing condition.

For example, if an employee with a pre-existing knee condition suffers a torn meniscus at work, the employer may be liable for the treatment and compensation related to the torn meniscus, but not for the pre-existing arthritis in the knee.

On the other hand, if the work-related incident causes a new injury that is separate from the pre-existing condition, the employee may be entitled to full compensation for the new injury, regardless of the pre-existing condition.

Medical Evidence and Causation

Determining the relationship between a work-related incident and a pre-existing injury requires a thorough evaluation of the employee’s medical history and the circumstances of the incident. Medical evidence is crucial in establishing causation and the extent of the employer’s liability.

Employees should seek medical attention promptly after a work-related injury and inform their doctor of any pre-existing conditions that may be relevant. The medical practitioner will assess the employee’s condition and provide an opinion on whether the work-related incident has aggravated the pre-existing injury or caused a new, separate injury.

Employers and insurers will typically require the employee to undergo an independent medical examination (IME) to assess the nature and extent of the injury and its relationship to any pre-existing conditions. The IME report will be a key piece of evidence in determining the employee’s entitlement to compensation and the employer’s liability.

Apportionment of Liability

In cases where a work-related incident has aggravated a pre-existing injury, the employer’s liability may be apportioned based on the extent to which the aggravation has contributed to the employee’s overall impairment or incapacity. This process, known as apportionment, aims to ensure that the employer is only responsible for the portion of the injury that is directly related to the work incident.

Apportionment can be a complex and contentious issue, particularly when there are multiple contributing factors to an employee’s condition. In some cases, the employer may argue that the pre-existing condition was the primary cause of the employee’s incapacity, while the employee may assert that the work-related aggravation was the main contributor.

Navigating the apportionment process requires the expertise of experienced legal and medical professionals who can evaluate the evidence and present a strong case for the appropriate allocation of liability.

Rehabilitation and Return to Work
When an employee with a pre-existing injury sustains a work-related aggravation, the goal of the workers’ compensation system is to support their recovery and return to work as quickly and safely as possible. Rehabilitation and return-to-work planning should take into account both the work-related injury and the pre-existing condition.

Employers have a legal obligation to provide suitable duties and accommodations to support an injured worker’s return to work, regardless of whether the injury is related to a pre-existing condition. This may involve modifying job duties, providing ergonomic equipment, or allowing for a gradual return to full duties.

Employees should actively participate in their rehabilitation and return-to-work planning, communicating openly with their employer, medical practitioner, and rehabilitation provider about their capabilities and any concerns they may have.

Seeking Legal Advice

Navigating a workers’ compensation claim involving a pre-existing injury can be a complex and stressful process. Employees who find themselves in this situation should consider seeking the advice of an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer who can help them understand their rights and entitlements. At GC Law, we’re very experienced in the complexities involved in workers’ compensation claims where there may be a pre-existing injury. Importantly, very strict time limits apply in these matters and seeking legal advice promptly is crucial.

Can I Change Lawyers During a Personal Injury Claim?

Can I Change Lawyers During a Personal Injury Claim?

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When you’ve suffered a personal injury, navigating the legal process can be overwhelming and stressful. You put your trust in a lawyer to guide you through this challenging time and fight for the compensation you deserve. But what happens if you’re unhappy with your current lawyer? Can you change lawyers in the middle of your personal injury claim in Queensland?

The short answer is yes, you have the right to change lawyers at any stage of your personal injury claim if you are dissatisfied with their services. However, there are several important factors to consider before making this decision, as it can impact the progress and outcome of your case. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why you might want to change lawyers, the steps involved in the process, and the potential consequences of making a switch.

Reasons for Changing Lawyers

There are various reasons why you might be considering changing lawyers during your personal injury claim. Some common concerns include:

  1. Lack of Communication: If your lawyer fails to keep you informed about the progress of your case, doesn’t return your calls or emails promptly, or doesn’t provide clear explanations of the legal process, you may feel frustrated and disconnected from your claim.
  2. Lack of Experience or Expertise: Personal injury law can be complex, and you want a lawyer who has the knowledge and experience to handle your specific type of case effectively. If you feel that your current lawyer lacks the necessary skills or expertise, you may want to seek out a more qualified professional.
  3. Personality Conflicts: Your relationship with your lawyer is important, as you’ll be working closely together throughout your claim. If you find that you’re constantly clashing with your lawyer or feel that they’re not responsive to your needs and concerns, it may be time to consider a change.
  4. Lack of Progress: If your case seems to be stagnating or your lawyer is not taking proactive steps to move your claim forward, you may worry that your interests are not being adequately represented.
  5. Loss of Trust: If you’ve lost faith in your lawyer’s ability to handle your case effectively, whether due to missed deadlines, errors in paperwork, or other issues, it may be difficult to continue working with them.

Steps to Change Lawyers

If you’ve decided that changing lawyers is the right move for your personal injury claim, there are several steps you’ll need to take:

  1. Notify Your Current Lawyer: Once you’ve decided to make a change, notify your current lawyer in writing of your decision to terminate their services. Be professional and courteous in your communication, but also be clear about your reasons for making the change.
  2. Choose a New Lawyer: Research and interview potential new lawyers who have experience handling personal injury claims similar to yours. Look for a lawyer who communicates clearly, has a track record of success, and makes you feel comfortable and confident in their abilities.
  3. Transfer Your File: Once you’ve selected a new lawyer, you’ll need to authorise the transfer of your case file from your previous lawyer to your new one. Your new lawyer will typically handle this process, sending a written request to your former lawyer to release your file.
  4. Notify Relevant Parties: Inform any relevant parties, such as the insurance company or the defendant’s lawyers, of your change in representation. Your new lawyer will typically handle this communication on your behalf.

Minimising the Impact of Changing Lawyers

If you do decide to change lawyers, there are steps you can take to minimise the potential negative consequences:

  1. Timing: If possible, try to make the change early in your case, before significant progress has been made or critical deadlines are approaching. This can help reduce delays and disruptions.
  2. Communication: Be open and honest with your new lawyer about your reasons for making the change and any concerns you have about your case. Provide them with a complete copy of your case file and any relevant documents or information.
  3. Cooperation: Work collaboratively with your new lawyer to ensure a smooth transition and minimise any delays or disruptions to your case. Be responsive to their requests for information and follow their advice and guidance.

Alternatives to Changing Lawyers

Before making the decision to change lawyers, it’s worth considering whether there are alternative solutions to address your concerns:

  1. Communication: If your primary issue is a lack of communication, schedule a meeting with your current lawyer to discuss your concerns and see if you can improve the situation.
  2. Second Opinion: If you’re unsure about the direction of your case or your lawyer’s strategy, consider seeking a second opinion from another personal injury lawyer. This can provide valuable perspective and help you make an informed decision about whether to make a change.


Changing lawyers during a personal injury claim in Queensland is your right if you are unhappy with your current representation. However, it’s a decision that should be made carefully, considering the potential consequences and alternatives.

If you do decide to make a change, be proactive in your research and selection of a new lawyer, and work collaboratively to ensure a smooth transition. With the right legal representation in your corner, you can continue to pursue the compensation you deserve for your personal injury.

Remember, the most important thing is to feel confident and comfortable with your legal representation. If you have concerns or doubts about your current lawyer, don’t hesitate to explore your options and make a change if necessary. Your well-being and the success of your claim should be the top priorities throughout the claim process.

If you are considering changing lawyers, why not consider seeking a second opinion? At GC Law, we offer, a free, no-obligation consultation, during which we can offer you some advice and guidance.

Injured while working on a Visa? Your compensation entitlements explained.

Injured while working on a Visa? Your compensation entitlements explained.

By News & Articles

You do not lose rights to workers’ compensation simply because you are working under a visa.

All workers, whether living in Queensland permanently or working here on a visa, are entitled to a safe working environment.  All workers are entitled to proper training, supervision and equipment to ensure their safety at work.

If you are a worker who is working on a work visa is injured at work in Queensland, you are entitled workers’ compensation benefits to cover costs such as medical expenses, rehabilitation expenses and lost wages.

It is important that you are aware of the conditions of your visa.  For example, if you are a student, you are required to attend classes and pass your courses.  If you are working outside of your visa conditions, you may be penalised for the breach.

Even if you have breached the conditions of your visa, you may still entitled to claim workers’ compensation if you are injured at work.  It is important that you seek legal advice from personal injury lawyers in relation to your entitlement to compensation in Queensland.

If you are a sponsored worker and you are unable to return to work due to injury, you may be in breach of your visa conditions and your visa may be cancelled.  You should contact Department of Home Affairs to let them know if you are temporarily unable to comply with your visa conditions due to injury.

Your employer cannot cancel your visa, even if you have breached your visa conditions.  The only organisation that can make decisions in relation to cancellation of visas is the Department of Home Affairs.

If you are injured while employed under a visa, you should:-

  • Report the injury to your employer as soon as possible.
  • See medical attention for your injury.
  • Be aware of your visa conditions and report to the appropriate authorities if you are unable to comply with the conditions due to a work injury.
  • Contact GC Law as soon as possible for advice in relation to time limits and entitlements to medical expenses, lost wages and compensation.
Car Accidents on Country Roads in Queensland

Car Accidents on Country Roads in Queensland

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Less than one third of the Australian population lives in regional and remote areas but nearly two thirds of all fatal car accidents occur on rural and remote roads.

The car accident fatality rate per population increases drastically with the level of remoteness. Young people aged up to 25 years of age tend to be disproportionately involved in rural and remote road trauma.

Indigenous Australians, most of whom live outside major cities, are up to three times more likely to be killed in a car accident and significantly more likely to be injured as passengers or pedestrians.

The rate of serious non-fatal car accident injuries among rural and remote residents is nearly twice that of those who reside in major cities.

Many fatal and serious car accidents in rural and remote areas are not recorded in official road data, because the accidents occur on public or private land, where rates of seat belt and helmet use are low compared to with public roads. High proportions of public and private property accidents involve motorcycles and quad bikes.

Most accidents occur during daylight hours and more occur between Friday and Sunday. They involve local residents, with only a small proportion of car accidents involving international or interstate visitors.

Most car accidents are single vehicle accidents particularly run-off-road car accidents.

There are both human and environmental factors associated with rural and remote car accidents.

Human Factors

Alcohol: The number of serious car accidents involving alcohol increases with the level of remoteness. Fatal car accidents are roughly twice as likely to involve alcohol compared with non-fatal car accidents.

Distraction: Studies have shown that 30% of rural road users reported being distracted prior to the car accident.

Fatigue: Longer driving distances and driving time in rural areas lead to an increase of fatigue. Fatigue has been attributed to one third of fatal car accidents on rural roads. The monotonous roadside landscape of rural areas can result in fatigue like affects.

Seatbelt: Even though there is a high level of seatbelt use in major cities, non-use of seatbelts in rural areas increases with remoteness. The lack of a seatbelt contributes substantially to the degree of injury suffered in a car accident.

Speed: While exceeding the speed limit is often the cause of car accidents, so is driving at an inappropriate speed for the road conditions. Driving too fast for the road conditions can still lead to a car accident, even though the car is traveling at or below the speed limit. Of course, speeding in general is also associated with car accidents.

Age: Generally, drivers aged between 17-24 have a higher risk of injury in a car accident, but male drivers aged between 30-50 years make up the majority of serious and fatal car accident causalities in rural and remote areas.

Environmental Factors

Travel Distance: Greater travel distances and time spent at the wheel increase road exposure and the higher risk of a car accident. The distance from population centres can also compromise emergency response times and access to critical medical treatment.

Road Conditions: Lower quality road conditions, like a narrow shoulder, unsealed road surfaces, potholes and oncoming traffic in narrow sections of road, all propose problems, particularly when coupled with inappropriate speeds.

Higher Speed limit: Rural and remote roads in Queensland can have default speed limits of 100km/hr. It has been found that the proportion of car accidents in higher speed zones increases with remoteness.

Unsealed roads: Car accidents on rural or remote unsealed roads have been shown to be more severe and almost double compared to the number of fatalities compared with those on sealed roads.

Unique hazards and unpredictability: Livestock and wildlife can appear on roads without warning. Farm and mining vehicles can also be unpredictable. Driving unfamiliar roads at high speed is also associated with the risk of a car accident.

We can help

If you have been injured in a car accident on a country road, please contact us as soon as possible for help. Strict time limits apply to claims for compensation. Call over personal injury lawyers on 1800 302 318 or fill out our online enquiry form.

Claims for personal injury compensation for accidents caused by stolen cars, unlicensed or unidentified drivers.

Claims for personal injury compensation for accidents caused by stolen cars, unlicensed or unidentified drivers.

By News & Articles

Car theft in Southeast Queensland is reaching epidemic proportions. Sometimes people can be injured in an accident involving a stolen car, often driven by an unlicensed teenager. This article talks about the entitlements to personal injury compensation, in circumstances where the car at fault was stolen, the driver was unlicensed or flees the scene of an accident and if the vehicle at fault is unidentified.

Can personal injury compensation be claimed if you have been hit by a stolen car?

A claim for personal injury compensation for injuries caused by a stolen vehicle, are treated exactly the same way as any other CTP claim for compensation. It does not matter whether the car was registered at the time the accident occurred.

What if the driver at fault was unlicensed or flees the scene of the accident?

If you are injured in an accident being driven by an unlicensed driver or the driver flees, once again a claim for personal injury compensation is treated the same as any CTP claim. Simply because the driver is unlicensed, does not mean the car is not covered by CTP insurance.

What if the vehicle at fault is unidentified?

The situation is a bit different in hit and run car accidents, where the driver fails to stop at the scene of the accident and the vehicle at fault cannot be identified.

In these types of accidents, a claim for personal injury compensation may be made against the Nominal Defendant.

The Nominal Defendant is a statutory body established under the Motor Accident Insurance Act 1994 for the purpose of compensating people who are injured as a result of the negligent driving of an unidentified or unregistered motor vehicle.

You may have noticed that when you pay your motor vehicle registration, you also pay a levy to the Nominal Defendant. This money is paid into a fund and used to pay compensation to people injured in car accidents in the circumstances described above.

Strict time limits apply to claim against the Nominal Defendant

When a claim is made against the Nominal Defendant, strict time limits apply. A Notice of Accident Claim Form must be served on the Nominal Defendant within 3 months of the date of the accident. If this time limit is not complied with, then when the Notice is served it must accompany a reasonable excuse for the delay.

If a Notice of Accident Claim Form is not served on the Nominal Defendant within 9 months of the date of the accident, the claim becomes statute barred. This means that you lose all your rights to recover compensation for your injuries.

Urgent action required

If you have been injured as a result of a car accident involving an unidentified vehicle, then you should seek legal advice as soon as possible so that your legal rights to compensation are protected.

At GC Law, we have expert personal injury lawyers who can assist you.

Double Demerit Points in Queensland

Double Demerit Points in Queensland

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Double demerit points apply in Queensland all year round, unlike other states that only apply the increased penalty during holiday periods.

Double demerit points apply for certain second and subsequent offences, committed within 12 months of the previous offence.

The double demerit system applies to offences including:

  • offences for speeding more than 20km/h over the speed limit
  • mobile phone offences
  • driver seatbelt offences
  • driver failing to ensure passengers under 16 are appropriately restrained
  • motorcycle helmet offences.

The second or subsequent offence need not be the same as the previous offence to attract double demerit points – it only needs to be within the same group of offences.

Queensland drivers start with zero demerit points.  Demerit points are added to a driver’s traffic record when certain offences are committed.

A learner driver can only accumulate 4 demerit points within a continuous 1-year period before the learner licence is suspended for 3 months.

If a provisional licence holder (P-Plater) accumulates 4 or more demerit points in a continuous 1-year period, they will either have their licence suspended for 3 months, or they can agree to a 1-year period of good driving behaviour.   A late-night driving restriction may also be applied.

If a P-Plater accumulates 2 or more demerit points for offences committed during a period of good driving behaviour, their licence will be suspended for 6 months.

If the holder of an open driver’s licence accumulates 12 demerit points within a 1-year period, their licence will be suspended for a requisite period, or they may agree to a 1-year period of good driving behaviour.

If an open licence holder accumulates 2 or more demerit points for offences committed during a period of good driving behaviour, their licence will be suspended for double the requisite suspension period.

The requisite suspension period for open licence holders is:

  • 12–15 demerit points = 3-month suspension
  • 16–19 demerit points = 4-month suspension
  • 20 or more demerit points = 5-month suspension.

If you’re found driving while suspended, you’ll be charged with unlicensed driving and need to appear in court.

Can I return to work after a successful TPD claim in Queensland?

Can I return to work after a successful TPD claim in Queensland?

By News & Articles

In Queensland, workers who have suffered a total and permanent disability (TPD) often wonder if they can return to work after a successful TPD claim. This article aims to provide insight into this question and shed light on the various aspects that individuals should consider when contemplating a return to work.

What is a TPD Claim?

A TPD claim, or total and permanent disability claim, is a form of insurance claim made by individuals who are unable to work due to a disability that is considered permanent in nature. This type of claim provides financial support to individuals who are no longer able to sustain themselves through gainful employment.

When someone experiences a disability that is deemed permanent, it can have a significant impact on their life. Suddenly, the ability to work and earn a living becomes a challenge, and financial stability may be compromised. This is where a TPD claim comes into play, offering a lifeline to those who find themselves in this difficult situation.

Once a successful TPD claim has been made, it is natural for individuals to reassess their situation and consider the possibility of returning to work. The financial support provided by the claim can alleviate some of the immediate financial burdens, allowing individuals to focus on their recovery and explore their options.

Returning to work after a TPD claim is a decision that should be carefully considered. It is important to take into account the nature of the disability, the individual’s physical and mental capabilities, and the potential impact on their overall well-being. Some individuals may find that they are able to return to work in a modified capacity, while others may need to explore alternative career paths or consider retraining in a different field.

Returning to work after a TPD claim can also have emotional and psychological implications. It is common for individuals to experience a range of emotions, including anxiety, uncertainty, and fear of judgment from colleagues or employers. Seeking support from healthcare professionals, support groups, or counseling services can be beneficial in navigating these challenges and building resilience.

Ultimately, the decision to return to work after a TPD claim is a personal one. It is important for individuals to carefully weigh their options, consider their abilities and limitations, and seek professional advice when needed. With the right support and planning, individuals can find a path forward that allows them to regain a sense of purpose and financial stability.

How to Return to Work after a TPD Payout

Returning to work after receiving a Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) payout requires careful consideration of various factors. One of the primary factors to consider is the nature and extent of the disability that led to the TPD claim in the first place. It is essential for individuals to consult with their medical practitioner to determine whether their condition has improved to a level where returning to work is feasible.

When contemplating a return to work, it is crucial for individuals to assess the type of work they are capable of performing, taking into account their disability. This assessment involves evaluating their skills, experience, and qualifications to identify suitable job opportunities that can accommodate their specific needs. It may be necessary to explore alternative career paths or consider retraining in order to find a job that aligns with their abilities.

In addition to personal considerations, individuals should also engage with their employer to explore potential adjustments or accommodations that may enable a successful return to work. This could involve modifications to the physical work environment, such as installing ramps or ergonomic equipment, or implementing flexible working hours to accommodate medical appointments or treatments. Open and honest communication with the employer is vital in order to establish a supportive and inclusive work environment.

Furthermore, it is important for individuals to take care of their mental well-being during this process. Returning to work after a TPD payout can bring about a range of emotions, including anxiety, fear, and uncertainty. Seeking counseling or joining support groups can provide a safe space to share experiences and receive emotional support from others who have gone through similar situations.

Do I Need Legal Advice from a TPD Lawyer?

While it is not a legal requirement to seek advice from a TPD lawyer when considering a return to work after a successful TPD claim, it can be highly beneficial. TPD lawyers are experienced in dealing with the complexities surrounding TPD claims and can provide valuable guidance and support throughout the process.

If you are considering a TPD claim, or contemplating returning to work after receiving a TPD payout, contact the personal injury lawyers team today at GC Law.

Can I change jobs when on Workcover in Queensland?

Can I change jobs when on Workcover in Queensland?

By News & Articles

In Queensland, if you are currently on WorkCover and considering changing jobs, it is important to understand your rights and obligations. While changing jobs might seem like a natural progression for career growth, it can have implications for your ongoing workers’ compensation claim. Before making any decisions, it is crucial to understand the potential consequences and seek advice from the team at GC Law. This article explores the factors you should consider when contemplating a job change while on WorkCover in Queensland.

Medical certificate and your capacity for work

One of the key considerations when changing jobs while on WorkCover is your capacity for work. WorkCover requires a medical certificate that details your current physical condition and any restrictions or limitations you may have. This certificate serves as evidence of your ability to perform certain tasks and determines your eligibility for ongoing benefits. It is essential to consult with your treating doctor and discuss your intentions to change jobs, as they can provide expert advice on whether it aligns with your current limitations and recovery progress.

Your treating doctor’s opinion regarding your capacity for work is crucial in determining your continued entitlements under the workers’ compensation scheme. Exploring job opportunities that align with your abilities can help facilitate a smooth transition without jeopardizing your claim.

When obtaining a medical certificate, it is important to provide your doctor with a comprehensive overview of your work history, including the tasks and responsibilities associated with your previous job. This information will enable your doctor to assess your capacity for work accurately and provide an informed opinion.

Additionally, your doctor may request further medical examinations or assessments to gather more detailed information about your physical condition. These examinations could involve physical tests, imaging scans, or consultations with specialists who can provide expert insights into your specific injury or condition.

It is crucial to be honest and transparent with your doctor during these assessments. Providing accurate information about your symptoms, pain levels, and any difficulties you face while performing certain tasks will help them make an accurate assessment of your capacity for work.

Once your doctor has evaluated your current physical condition and limitations, they will document their findings in the medical certificate. This document will outline any restrictions or modifications required for your work activities, such as lifting restrictions, limitations on repetitive motions, or the need for frequent breaks to manage pain or discomfort.

When considering a job change, it is essential to review the medical certificate carefully and assess whether the new role aligns with the documented restrictions. If the new job involves tasks that exceed your capacity or pose a risk to your recovery, it may be necessary to reconsider or discuss potential modifications with your employer.

Disclosure of pre-existing injury to your new employer

When switching jobs while on WorkCover, it is important to disclose any pre-existing injury or workers’ compensation claim to your prospective employer. While it can feel daunting to reveal this information, failure to disclose may have serious legal consequences. Employers have a legal obligation to provide a safe work environment, and being transparent about your condition allows them to assess and accommodate any necessary adjustments to ensure workplace safety and your well-being.

By disclosing your pre-existing injury, you enable your new employer to make informed decisions regarding your tasks and responsibilities. This fosters a proactive approach to workplace safety and can contribute to a successful transition.

One of the key reasons why it is crucial to disclose any pre-existing injury or workers’ compensation claim to your new employer is to ensure that they are aware of any potential risks or limitations you may have. This information allows them to take the necessary steps to provide a safe and supportive work environment.

When you disclose your pre-existing injury, your new employer can work with you to develop a plan that accommodates your needs. This may involve modifying certain tasks or providing additional training to ensure that you can perform your job effectively and without further aggravating your injury.

WorkCover weekly benefits and medical expenses

Changing jobs while on WorkCover can impact your weekly benefits and medical expenses. The nature of your new employment, including the level of income and workplace benefits, may alter your eligibility for ongoing compensation. WorkCover assesses these changes on a case-by-case basis, taking into account factors such as your earnings, work capacity, and entitlement to medical expenses.

When transitioning to a new job while on WorkCover, it is important to understand how this change may affect your entitlements. Your weekly benefits and medical expenses are determined based on various factors, including your pre-injury average weekly earnings and your capacity to work. If your new job offers a higher income or additional workplace benefits, it may impact the amount of compensation you receive.

WorkCover carefully evaluates each case to ensure that the compensation provided aligns with the individual circumstances. They consider factors such as the nature of your injury, the extent of your impairment, and your ability to perform the duties of your new job. By conducting a thorough assessment, WorkCover aims to provide fair and appropriate compensation to injured workers.

To ensure accurate calculations of your entitlements, it is crucial to inform WorkCover of any changes to your employment status. This includes not only switching jobs but also any modifications to your work hours or income. By promptly notifying WorkCover of these changes, you can avoid potential issues such as overpayments or underpayments.

Failure to disclose changes in your employment status can lead to complications in your compensation. Overpayments may result in the need to repay excess funds, while underpayments can leave you without the financial support you require. To navigate the complexities of WorkCover and ensure you receive the appropriate benefits, seeking advice from an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer can be invaluable.

The personal injury lawyers team at GC Law can provide guidance on how to navigate the process of changing jobs while on WorkCover. We can help you understand your rights and obligations, ensuring that you make informed decisions that protect your interests.

Workers Compensation and Christmas & New Year Parties

Workers Compensation and Christmas & New Year Parties

By News & Articles

Christmas & New Year Parties can be an enjoyable and festive time for employees to celebrate a good year and of course, the imminent holiday break. However, accidents and injuries can occur at work functions, and it is important for both employees and employers to be aware of their rights and responsibilities when it comes to workers’ compensation.

What types of accidents and injuries can occur at work functions?

Work functions, including Christmas and New Year parties, can present various risks and hazards that may lead to accidents and injuries. Some common examples include slips, trips, and falls, especially if the event is held at an unfamiliar venue. For instance, if the party takes place at a rented venue with a different layout and flooring than the usual workplace, employees may be more prone to accidents due to unfamiliar surroundings. It is essential to ensure that the venue is well-maintained, with proper lighting and clear pathways to prevent any potential accidents.

Alcohol consumption can also increase the likelihood of accidents at work functions. While it is common for employees to enjoy a few drinks during such events, excessive alcohol consumption can impair judgment and coordination, leading to falls or car accidents. It is crucial for both employers and employees to promote responsible drinking and provide alternative transportation options, such as designated drivers or ride-sharing services, to ensure the safety of everyone attending the function.

Additionally, physical activities or team-building exercises at work functions can result in injuries if appropriate safety measures are not in place. For example, if a company organises a sports tournament or outdoor adventure activities, participants may be at risk of sprains, strains, or more severe injuries if proper warm-up exercises and safety equipment are not provided. Employers should prioritize the safety of their employees by conducting risk assessments, providing necessary safety gear, and ensuring that all participants are adequately trained or supervised during such activities.

It is crucial to remember that accidents and injuries can happen to anyone, regardless of the type of work function or the level of formality. Whether it is a casual office party or a formal corporate event, safety should always be a top priority. Employers should communicate and educate employees about potential risks and hazards associated with work functions, emphasizing the importance of personal responsibility and adherence to safety guidelines. By taking necessary precautions and fostering a safety-conscious culture, organisations can minimize the risk of incidents and create a secure environment for their employees to enjoy work-related functions.

What should you do if you are injured at a work function?

If you sustain an injury at a work function, it is essential to take immediate action to protect your health and ensure a smooth workers’ compensation claim process. Firstly, you should seek appropriate medical attention, even if the injury seems minor at first. Prompt medical assessment can help identify any underlying or hidden injuries that might worsen over time.

When it comes to seeking medical attention, it’s important to choose a healthcare provider who is familiar with workers’ compensation cases. They will have a better understanding of the necessary documentation and procedures required for your claim. Additionally, they can provide you with a detailed medical report that clearly outlines the nature and extent of your injuries, which will be crucial when filing your workers’ compensation claim.

After seeking medical attention, you should report the incident to your employer as soon as possible, following the company’s specific reporting procedures. Timely notification is vital to ensure that the incident is properly documented and investigated. Failure to report the injury promptly might result in delays or complications when pursuing a workers’ compensation claim.

When reporting the incident, be sure to provide a detailed account of what happened, including the date, time, and location of the work function, as well as any contributing factors that may have led to the injury. This information will help establish a clear timeline of events and assist in determining liability.

Furthermore, it is advisable to gather any evidence that may support your claim, such as photographs of the scene or witness statements. This evidence can strengthen your case and help demonstrate that the injury occurred during the course of your employment at the work function.

In addition to gathering evidence, it is crucial to keep detailed records of any expenses related to your injury. This includes medical bills, transportation costs, and any other out-of-pocket expenses you may have incurred. These records will be necessary when calculating the compensation you are entitled to receive.

Lastly, consider seeking legal advice from an experienced workers’ compensation law firm, like GC Law. We can provide guidance and support throughout the entire process, ensuring that your rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you deserve.

Can you claim workers’ compensation if you are injured at a work Christmas party?

Whether you can claim workers’ compensation for an injury sustained at a work Christmas party depends on the circumstances surrounding the incident. In general, if the injury occurred while you were engaged in an activity that was authorised by your employer or had a connection to your employment, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation.

For example, if the work Christmas party was organised and funded by your employer, and attendance was mandatory or strongly encouraged, it is likely that any injuries sustained during the event would be considered work-related. This could include slip and fall accidents, food poisoning, or even injuries from participating in organized activities such as team-building exercises or sports.

However, it is important to note that the specific eligibility criteria may vary based on individual circumstances, such as the nature of the event, the location, and the level of employer involvement.

In conclusion, while it is possible to claim workers’ compensation for injuries sustained at a work Christmas party, the eligibility criteria can be complex and depend on various factors. It is advisable to seek professional advice from personal injury lawyers and thoroughly understand your rights and obligations to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

How You Can Claim TPD in Queensland

How You Can Claim TPD in Queensland

By News & Articles

Before delving into the specifics of making a TPD claim, it is essential to comprehend what TPD means in the context of Queensland. TPD, or total and permanent disability, refers to a condition where an individual is rendered permanently incapable of working due to a disability. This disability could be physical, mental, or a combination of both. TPD insurance exists to provide financial support to individuals facing such circumstances.

When it comes to TPD claims in Queensland, it is crucial to understand the legal framework and the process involved. The Queensland legislation provides guidelines and regulations to ensure that individuals with total and permanent disabilities receive the necessary support and compensation.

TPD claims can be complex, requiring extensive documentation and evidence to prove the extent of the disability and its impact on the individual’s ability to work. It is essential to consult with experienced lawyers like GC Law to assist you in navigating the legal intricacies and maximize the chances of a successful claim.

In Queensland, TPD insurance policies vary, and it is crucial to carefully review the terms and conditions of your policy to determine the eligibility criteria for making a claim. Some policies may require a waiting period before a claim can be lodged, while others may have specific exclusions for certain types of disabilities.

Furthermore, TPD claims often involve medical assessments and evaluations to determine the severity and permanence of the disability. Medical professionals specialising in the relevant fields play a crucial role in providing expert opinions and supporting the claimant’s case.

It is important to note that TPD claims can take time to process, and the outcome may depend on various factors, including the strength of the evidence presented and the interpretation of the policy terms by the insurance provider. Patience and perseverance are key qualities when navigating through the TPD claims process.

Additionally, it is essential to seek emotional and psychological support during this challenging time. Dealing with a total and permanent disability can be emotionally draining, and having a support network can make a significant difference in coping with the situation.

How does a TPD claim work?

The process of making a Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) claim involves several key steps. Firstly, it is crucial to gather all necessary documentation, including medical records, expert opinions, and any relevant insurance policy information. This evidence will support your claim by proving the nature and extent of your disability.

When gathering medical records, it is important to include all relevant documentation, such as doctor’s reports, test results, and treatment plans. These records provide a comprehensive overview of your condition and its impact on your daily life.

In addition to medical records, obtaining expert opinions can strengthen your TPD claim. These opinions can come from specialists in your specific disability or from independent medical professionals who can provide an objective assessment of your condition.

Once you have gathered all the necessary documentation, the next step is to notify your insurance provider of your intent to make a TPD claim. This typically involves submitting a claim form provided by the insurer. The claim form requires you to detail the circumstances of your disability, provide supporting evidence, and answer any relevant questions.

When completing the claim form, it is important to be thorough and accurate in your responses. Clearly explain how your disability prevents you from engaging in gainful employment and performing daily activities. Providing specific examples and detailing the impact on your quality of life can strengthen your claim.

Upon submitting your claim, the insurance company will assess the validity of your claim by reviewing the evidence and assessing the severity and permanency of your disability. This evaluation process can take some time, as the insurer may need to consult with medical professionals or request additional information.

During the evaluation process, it is crucial to remain patient and cooperative. Respond promptly to any requests for further information or clarification. Cooperating with the insurer’s requests can help expedite the assessment and increase the chances of a favorable outcome.

If your TPD claim is successful, the insurance company will offer a lump sum payment to help cover medical expenses, living costs, and any other financial burdens resulting from your disability. It is advisable to seek professional financial advice to ensure that you make the most appropriate decisions regarding this settlement.

A financial advisor can help you understand the tax implications of the settlement, assist in creating a long-term financial plan, and guide you in making informed decisions about investing or managing the funds. They can also help you explore any potential entitlements or benefits that may be available to you.

It is important to carefully consider your options before accepting a settlement offer. Take the time to assess your current and future financial needs, consult with trusted professionals, and weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks of different settlement options.

Remember, a TPD claim can be a complex process, and having the right support and guidance can make a significant difference. Consider seeking legal advice from GC Law to ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you deserve.

What are some examples of TPD claims?

TPD claims can arise from a variety of circumstances. For instance, a construction worker who suffers a severe spinal injury resulting in permanent paralysis may be eligible to make a TPD claim. Similarly, an individual diagnosed with a degenerative neurological disorder that hampers their ability to perform tasks essential for their profession may also qualify for a TPD claim. These examples underscore the significance of understanding the specific criteria defining a TPD claim in Queensland.

What is the TPD claims process?

The TPD claims process encompasses the steps, from initially notifying your insurer to receiving a decision on your claim. It is crucial to adhere to the timelines and requirements set by the insurance company. Failure to comply may result in delays or even the denial of your claim. To navigate this process successfully, it is advisable to seek professional legal assistance, as lawyers experienced in TPD claims can guide you through each step and ensure that you meet all obligations.

Who can make a TPD claim?

TPD claims are not limited to specific professions or sectors. Any individual who holds a valid TPD insurance policy and meets the eligibility criteria defined within the policy terms can make a TPD claim. The specific requirements may vary between insurance providers, so it is essential to review your policy documents thoroughly to ensure that you are eligible to make a claim.

What Financial Assistance is Available through TPD Claims

Upon a successful TPD claim, the insurance company will offer financial assistance in the form of a lump sum payment. This payment is designed to alleviate the financial burdens associated with a permanent disability, such as medical expenses, ongoing care costs, and loss of income. It is crucial to carefully consider how to allocate these funds to ensure long-term financial stability and meet immediate needs.

How to Appeal a Rejected TPD Claim

In the unfortunate event of a rejected TPD claim, it is essential to understand your options for appeal. Most insurance policies outline an internal dispute resolution process, which involves escalating your concerns to a higher authority within the insurance company. If this process fails to yield a satisfactory outcome, you may have the option to lodge a complaint with an external authority, such as the Financial Ombudsman Service or the Australian Financial Complaints Authority.

In conclusion, making a successful TPD claim in Queensland can be complex. To give yourself the best chance of success, talk to the personal injury lawyers team at GC Law today.

GLJ V The Trustee of the Roman Catholic Church for the Diocese of Lismore [2023] HCA 32

GLJ V The Trustee of the Roman Catholic Church for the Diocese of Lismore [2023] HCA 32

By News & Articles

Delivered 1 November 2023


A Court can award a permanent stay to a defendant who is unable to fairly defend a claim brought against them because of the unavailability of witnesses and/or documents due to the passage of time.

GLJ commenced proceedings in January 2020 against the Diocese for psychiatric injuries caused by alleged abuse by a priest in or about 1968 when she was 14 years old.

The New South Wales Court of Appeal granted the Diocese a permanent stay on the proceedings brought by GLJ because:-

  1. The Diocese did not become aware of GLJ’s allegations until 2019; and
  2. Almost all senior people who could provide the Diocese with instructions and/or given evidence at the trial had died, including Father Anderson (the alleged perpetrator of the sexual abuse), who died in 1974.

The Court of Appeal determined that there could not be a fair trial and ordered that the proceedings be permanently stayed.

GLJ appealed to the High Court of Australia.

The Decision of the High Court

The High Court of Australia allowed GLJ’s appeal, entitling her to proceed to a court trial and have her matter heard by a Court.

In making its decision, the High Court concluded that:

  1. A permanent stay order must be a last resort, when no other option is available and should only be granted in exceptional circumstances.
  2. The risk that a trial might be unfair is insufficient to warrant a stay of proceedings.
  3. In removing the statutory limitation period in relation to historical sexual abuse claims, the Parliament intended to prioritise the rights of victims, despite the potential challenges that these claims inherently bring, including fading of memories and loss of evidence over time.
  4. A plaintiff must still prove their claim at trial to the relevant standard of proof. Missing witnesses or evidence do not in themselves make a trial unfair.

Effect on Historical Sexual Abuse Claims

The decision of the High Court of Australia in GLJ is binding on all lower court in Australia.

The decision brings an end to an unreasonable legal tactic used by defendants in historical sexual abuse claims, ensuring that more survivors are able to pursue justice over the abuse perpetrated against them as innocent

Compensation for Injured Motorcyclists in Queensland. What You Must Know.

Compensation for Injured Motorcyclists in Queensland. What You Must Know.

By News & Articles

Motorcycle accidents can result in severe injuries and can be a traumatic experience for the injured party. In Queensland, it is important for motorcyclists to understand their rights and the compensation they may be entitled to if they are injured in an accident. This article provides an overview of motorcycle injury compensation in Queensland, including how to make a claim and the time limits for filing a claim. We will also discuss specific scenarios such as injuries as a pillion passenger, accidents caused by the motorcyclist themselves, accidents resulting in death, and accidents that occur during work-related travel.

The Basics of Motorcycle Injury Compensation in Queensland

 Motorcycle injury compensation in Queensland is governed by the Motor Accident Insurance Act 1994. This legislation ensures that injured motorcyclists have access to compensation for their injuries, medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, and any economic loss they may have incurred as a result of the accident.

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, it is crucial to seek legal advice as soon as possible. An experienced personal injury lawyer can guide you through the claims process and help you understand your rights and entitlements.

When it comes to motorcycle accidents, the injuries sustained can be severe and life-altering. The physical and emotional toll can be overwhelming, and the financial burden can add to the stress. That’s why motorcycle injury compensation exists – to provide support and financial assistance to those who have been injured in such accidents.

Under the Motor Accident Insurance Act 1994, injured motorcyclists in Queensland are entitled to compensation for a wide range of damages. This includes medical expenses, such as hospital bills, surgeries, medication, and rehabilitation costs. It also covers any economic loss suffered as a result of the accident, such as lost wages or earning capacity.

It’s important to note that motorcycle injury compensation claims can be complex and time-consuming. Navigating the legal process on your own can be overwhelming, especially when you’re already dealing with the physical and emotional aftermath of an accident. That’s why it’s highly recommended to seek the assistance of a compensation law firm, like GC Law who have strong expertise and experience in motorcycle accident claims.

Importantly, time is of the essence when it comes to motorcycle injury compensation claims. There are strict time limits within which you must lodge your claim, so it’s important to act quickly. Consulting with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible after your accident will ensure that your rights are protected and that you have the best chance of receiving the compensation you deserve.

How Do I Make a Compensation Claim?

 Making a compensation claim for a motorcycle accident involves several steps. Firstly, it is important to gather evidence to support your claim. This may include medical reports, witness statements, photographs of the accident scene, and any other documentation that can substantiate your injuries and the circumstances surrounding the accident.

When it comes to gathering evidence, it is crucial to be thorough. Medical reports play a significant role in establishing the extent of your injuries and the impact they have had on your life. These reports provide detailed information about your diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. They can also outline any ongoing medical expenses or rehabilitation needs.

Witness statements are another valuable piece of evidence. They provide an unbiased account of what happened during the accident and can help establish liability. Gathering statements from individuals who saw the accident occur or who arrived shortly after can strengthen your claim.

In addition to medical reports and witness statements, photographs of the accident scene can be highly beneficial. These images can help recreate the sequence of events and provide visual evidence of the conditions at the time of the accident. They can capture important details such as skid marks, road hazards, or any other factors that may have contributed to the incident.

Once you have gathered the necessary evidence, you must lodge a claim with the Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurer of the vehicle at fault.

 How Much Compensation Will I Receive?

 The amount of compensation you may receive for a motorcycle accident will depend on several factors, including the severity of your injuries, the impact on your life, and the economic loss you have incurred. The CTP insurer will assess your claim and determine the appropriate amount of compensation to be paid.

It is important to note that compensation amounts vary on a case-by-case basis.

Time Limits for Filing a Motorcycle Injury Claim in Queensland

 In Queensland, there are strict time limits for filing a motorcycle injury claim. Generally, a claim must be lodged within three years from the date of the accident. However, it is advisable to seek legal advice as soon as possible to ensure that you meet all the necessary deadlines.

If you fail to lodge your claim within the specified time limits, you may lose your right to compensation. Therefore, it is crucial to take prompt action in pursuing your claim.

What if I suffer injuries in a motorcycle accident caused by myself?

 If you suffer injuries in a motorcycle accident that was caused by your own negligence, you may still be entitled to some compensation. Queensland has a fault-based system, which means that even if you were partially at fault, you can still make a claim against the CTP insurer of the other vehicle involved.

What happens if a motorcyclist is killed in an accident caused by another?

 In the unfortunate event that a motorcyclist is killed in an accident caused by another party, the family or dependents of the deceased may be eligible for compensation. This compensation can cover a broad array of costs, including funeral expenses, loss of financial support, and other associated expenses.

What if I am injured in a motorcycle accident going to or from work?

 If you are injured in a motorcycle accident while traveling to or from work, you may be eligible for compensation through the Queensland workers’ compensation scheme. This scheme provides benefits to workers who suffer injuries in the course of their employment, including accidents that occur during work-related travel.

An experienced workers’ compensation lawyer can assist you in navigating the claims process and help ensure that you receive the compensation you are entitled to.

How Our Law Firm, GC Law Can Help

 At GC Law, we understand the challenges faced by injured motorcyclists in Queensland. Our team of dedicated personal injury lawyers have extensive experience in handling motorcycle accident claims and can provide you with the expertise and support you need to navigate the compensation process.

We offer a free initial consultation, during which we will assess your case and provide you with an honest evaluation of your prospects for compensation.

Can You Claim Compensation for Work Injuries in Queensland if Self-Employed?

Can You Claim Compensation for Work Injuries in Queensland if Self-Employed?

By News & Articles

In Queensland, just like in any other state in Australia, workers’ compensation is primarily designed to provide financial support and assistance to individuals who suffer injuries or work-related illnesses. However, there often seems to be confusion surrounding the eligibility of self-employed individuals to claim workers’ compensation benefits. Many people mistakenly assume that only employees are entitled to such benefits. In this article, we will explore the specific rights and options available to self-employed individuals who sustain work-related injuries in Queensland.

What is a sole trader?

 Before delving into the topic of claiming compensation for work injuries as a self-employed person, it is essential to understand the concept of a sole trader.

In Queensland, a sole trader, or sole proprietor, refers to an individual who operates a business as an individual entity. Unlike a company or partnership, a sole trader does not separate their personal and business finances legally. As a sole trader, you have complete control over your business decisions and operations, but you are also personally liable for any debts or obligations.

Being a sole trader though comes with its fair share of challenges. One of the significant drawbacks is the personal liability that accompanies this business structure. Unlike a company, where the business is a separate legal entity, as a sole trader, you and your business are considered one and the same. This means that if your business incurs any debts or legal obligations, your personal assets may be at risk.

On the flip side, the simplicity and flexibility of being a sole trader can be highly appealing. Unlike setting up a company, which involves complex legal processes and ongoing compliance requirements, becoming a sole trader is relatively straightforward. You can start your business by registering an Australian Business Number (ABN) and choosing a business name, if desired. This simplicity makes it an attractive option for individuals who want to test the waters of entrepreneurship without committing to a more formal business structure.

What insurance does a sole trader need?

When it comes to being a sole trader, there are several insurance options that you should consider to protect yourself and your business. While workers’ compensation may not be mandatory for self-employed individuals in Queensland, it is crucial to consider acquiring suitable insurance coverage to protect yourself from potential occupational risks.

One type of insurance that you should explore as a sole trader is personal accident and illness insurance. This type of insurance provides coverage in the event that you are injured or become ill and are unable to work. It can provide financial support to help cover medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, and even lost income while you are unable to work.

Another insurance option to consider is income protection insurance. This type of insurance is designed to provide a regular income if you are unable to work due to injury or illness. It can help to cover your living expenses and ensure that you can continue to meet your financial obligations while you are unable to generate income from your business.

It is important to carefully consider the specific risks associated with your line of work as a sole trader. For example, if you are a tradesperson, you may want to consider public liability insurance. This type of insurance can provide coverage in the event that you cause damage to property or injure someone while carrying out your work.

Professional indemnity insurance is another important consideration for certain types of sole traders. If you provide professional advice or services, this type of insurance can protect you in the event that a client suffers financial loss as a result of your advice or services. It can help cover legal costs and any compensation that may be awarded.

While these are some of the key insurance options to consider as a sole trader, it is always a good idea to seek advice from an insurance professional who can assess your specific needs and recommend the most appropriate coverage for your business. Remember, having the right insurance in place can provide you with peace of mind and financial protection in the face of unexpected events.

How does sole trader workers compensation work?

Although self-employed individuals are generally not covered by the workers’ compensation scheme in Queensland, there are circumstances in which they may still be eligible for benefits. For example, if you engage a contractor or subcontractor and they suffer an injury while working for you, they may be considered your “worker.” In such cases, you may have an obligation to provide workers’ compensation insurance coverage for them.

Additionally, if you are a sole trader and you sustain a work-related injury due to the negligence of another party (e.g., a manufacturer’s defect), you may be able to pursue a personal injury claim against that party for damages. This avenue allows self-employed individuals to seek compensation for medical expenses, lost income, and other associated costs resulting from their injury.

How to Make a claim after a self-employed injury

If you are self-employed and have experienced a work-related injury or illness, it is crucial to take the appropriate steps to protect your rights and access any available compensation. Firstly, seek immediate medical attention to address your condition and establish documented evidence of your injury or illness.

Additionally, consider consulting with experienced compensation lawyers, like GC Law. We can guide you through the process of making a claim and help you navigate any potential complexities.

Time Limits for Compensation Claims

When it comes to lodging a compensation claim after a self-employed injury in Queensland, it is crucial to be aware of the relevant time limits. The Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 stipulates that claims must generally be made within six months from the date of injury. However, the legislation also allows for some flexibility in exceptional circumstances. To ensure you do not miss any crucial deadlines, it is advisable to consult with a legal professional as soon as possible after your injury occurs.

How GC Law Can Help

At GC Law, we understand the complexities and challenges faced by self-employed individuals when it comes to claiming compensation for work-related injuries. Our team of experienced personal injury lawyers are dedicated to helping you navigate the legal process and obtain the compensation you deserve. Call GC Law for a free, no-obligation consultation.

Claiming Workers' Compensation for Post-traumatic stress disorder in Queensland

Claiming Workers’ Compensation for Post-traumatic stress disorder in Queensland

By News & Articles

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can severely impact an individual’s life, specifically when it arises after experiencing a traumatic event at the workplace. For workers in Queensland, understanding the process of claiming workers’ compensation for PTSD is crucial.

What is PTSD in Queensland?

In Queensland, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is recognised as a psychological injury that may result from experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event while employed. The event might involve actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence. It is important to note that PTSD is not limited to specific industries or occupations; the disorder can affect workers across various sectors.

PTSD can manifest with a range of symptoms, including intrusive memories or flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety, and changes in mood and behaviour. These symptoms can significantly impede an individual’s ability to perform their job and negatively affect their overall well-being.

How is PTSD determined in Queensland in the context of Workers’ Compensation?

In Queensland, workers who have been diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) may be entitled to claim workers’ compensation benefits. However, establishing a link between the traumatic event experienced at work and the development of PTSD can be a complex process.

Firstly, it is crucial to demonstrate that the traumatic event occurred during the course of employment. This can be verified by providing evidence such as incident reports, witness statements, or medical records. For example, if a worker in the construction industry witnesses a serious accident on a worksite that triggers their PTSD, they would need to provide documentation that confirms the incident and its connection to their work environment.

Secondly, it must be established that the diagnosed PTSD is a result of the specific traumatic event at work and not from any other factors outside of the workplace. This requires medical evidence from mental health professionals who can assess the worker’s condition and determine the causal relationship between the traumatic event and the development of PTSD. These professionals play a crucial role in evaluating the impact of the event on the worker’s mental health and providing expert opinions that support the workers’ compensation claim.

Workers’ Compensation claims for PTSD must be submitted to WorkCover Queensland, the state’s statutory scheme responsible for administering workers’ compensation. The claims process involves providing detailed information about the traumatic event, medical documentation, and other supporting evidence to demonstrate the impact of PTSD on the individual’s ability to work.

Once the claim is submitted, it undergoes a review by WorkCover Queensland. This review includes an assessment of the evidence provided, consultation with medical professionals, and consideration of any relevant legislation and guidelines. The aim is to ensure that the claim is assessed fairly and accurately, taking into account the specific circumstances of the worker and the requirements of the workers’ compensation scheme.

Understanding the Differences between Workers’ Compensation and Common Law Claims

Workers’ compensation claims in Queensland provide a no-fault scheme that enables injured workers to receive financial and medical benefits without having to prove the employer’s negligence. This system ensures that injured workers can access medical treatment, rehabilitation services, and weekly payments to compensate for lost wages.

Under the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003, workers are entitled to compensation for their work-related injuries, regardless of who caused the accident. This means that even if the worker’s own actions contributed to the accident, they can still receive benefits under the workers’ compensation scheme. For example, if a worker slips and falls due to their own carelessness, they can still receive compensation for their injuries.

Workers’ compensation claims are designed to provide a safety net for injured workers, ensuring that they receive the necessary support and financial assistance to recover from their injuries and return to work. The no-fault nature of these claims also helps to expedite the process, as there is no need to go through lengthy legal proceedings to determine fault.

On the other hand, common law claims require the injured worker to establish negligence or fault on the part of the employer. These claims provide an avenue for seeking additional compensation beyond the statutory benefits offered under workers’ compensation.

Successful common law claims can result in higher monetary compensation to cover pain and suffering, loss of future earnings, and other damages. Unlike workers’ compensation claims, which are limited to specific benefits outlined in the legislation, common law claims allow injured workers to seek compensation for a wider range of losses and expenses.

Is there a Time Limit for Making a PTSD Compensation Claim?

In Queensland, there is generally a time limit for making a workers’ compensation claim for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The time limit is usually six months from the date when the individual became aware of their diagnosis of PTSD and its relation to their work-related traumatic event.

In addition to pursuing a statutory WorkCover claim, if negligence has played a role in your PTSD diagnosis, you may also consider initiating a “common law” claim. This legal avenue aims to secure lump-sum compensation for the following:

  • Past lost income and superannuation;
  • Future lost income and superannuation;
  • Pain and suffering;
  • Medical treatment expenses, both past and future.

It’s important to note that you have a three-year window within which to file a common law workers’ compensation claim with the court. If you miss this deadline, it is advisable to consult a personal injury lawyers promptly, as there are certain exceptions to this timeframe that may apply to your specific circumstances.

How can GC Law Help?

At GC Law, we have a team of experienced compensation lawyers who can advise you today on a potential PTSD claim. We offer a free, no-obligation consultation and No Win-No Fee on all approved claims.

How is Pain & Suffering Calculated for Workers' Compensation Claims in Queensland

How is Pain & Suffering Calculated for Workers’ Compensation Claims in Queensland?

By News & Articles

Workers’ compensation claims in Queensland can be complex, especially when it comes to calculating pain and suffering. Understanding how pain and suffering is assessed and proven is crucial for individuals seeking fair compensation for their injuries. This article will explore the process of calculating pain and suffering in workers’ compensation claims in Queensland, including what pain and suffering entails, how it is assessed, and how individuals can prove their pain and suffering.

Additionally, we will delve into the concept of General Damages and the calculation methods used in Queensland. Finally, we will discuss the role of GC Law in assisting individuals in navigating the complex landscape of workers’ compensation claims and ensuring they receive the compensation they deserve.

What is pain and suffering?

Pain and suffering refers to the physical and emotional distress experienced by an individual as a result of an injury or illness caused by the negligence or wrongdoing of another party in the workplace. While workers’ compensation claims primarily focus on compensating for medical expenses and lost wages, pain and suffering compensations are designed to provide financial relief for the non-economic impacts of an injury.

When it comes to workplace injuries, pain and suffering can encompass a wide range of experiences. Physical pain, such as the throbbing sensation of a broken bone or the persistent ache of a muscle strain, is one aspect of pain and suffering. This type of pain can make it difficult for individuals to perform their daily tasks, impacting their quality of life both at work and at home.

However, pain and suffering extends beyond physical discomfort. It also includes the emotional and psychological toll that an injury can have on an individual. The fear and anxiety that may arise from the uncertainty of recovery, the frustration of being unable to participate in activities once enjoyed, and the sadness that comes from the loss of independence are all examples of the emotional distress that can accompany a workplace injury.

Furthermore, pain and suffering can have long-lasting effects on an individual’s relationships and overall well-being. The strain of chronic pain or a debilitating injury can lead to feelings of isolation and depression. It may also impact one’s ability to engage in social activities, leading to a sense of disconnection from friends and loved ones.

When seeking compensation for pain and suffering, it is important to consider the unique circumstances of each case. Factors such as the severity of the injury, the duration of the pain and suffering, and the impact on the individual’s life will all be taken into account when determining the appropriate compensation amount. In some cases, expert opinion may be required to provide a comprehensive understanding of the extent of the pain and suffering endured.

Ultimately, pain and suffering compensation aims to acknowledge the intangible losses experienced by an individual due to a workplace injury. It recognises that the impact of an injury extends beyond medical bills and lost wages, and seeks to provide financial support for the physical, emotional, and psychological toll that a workplace injury can have on an individual’s life.

How is pain and suffering assessed in Queensland?

Pain and suffering calculations in Queensland involve a combination of objective and subjective factors. The ISV scale, introduced by the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003, plays a significant role in determining the amount of compensation an individual may receive for their pain and suffering.

The ISV scale assigns points to specific injuries based on their severity and duration. These points are then converted into a monetary value, which serves as a baseline for calculating the overall compensation for general damages.

For example, let’s consider a case where an individual suffers a severe back injury due to a workplace accident. The ISV scale would assess the severity and duration of the injury and assign a specific number of points. These points would then be converted into a monetary value, taking into account the impact on the individual’s daily life and ability to perform their job.

However, the calculation of general damages does not solely rely on the ISV scale. Other factors are also taken into consideration to ensure a fair and comprehensive compensation assessment.

One such factor is the individual’s age. Younger individuals may be awarded higher compensation due to the potential long-term impact of their injuries on their future employability and quality of life. On the other hand, older individuals may receive lower compensation as their career prospects and life expectancy may be less affected.

Furthermore, the impact on the individual’s career and future employability is also considered. If the injury prevents the individual from returning to their previous job or limits their ability to pursue certain career paths, it may result in higher compensation to account for the loss of earning capacity.

Additionally, the general impact on the individual’s quality of life is taken into account. This includes factors such as physical and emotional pain, loss of enjoyment of life, and the need for ongoing medical treatment or rehabilitation. These aspects are evaluated to ensure that the compensation adequately reflects the overall impact of the injury on the individual’s well-being.

Calculating pain and suffering requires expertise in workers’ compensation law and an in-depth understanding of the compensation process in Queensland.

How Can our law firm, GC Law Help You?

At GC Law, we understand the complexities of workers’ compensation claims in Queensland and the challenges individuals face when seeking fair compensation for their pain and suffering. Our experienced team of personal injury lawyers are dedicated to providing personalised legal advice, representation and guidance throughout the claims process.

If you are in need of legal assistance with your workers’ compensation claim in Queensland, don’t hesitate to contact GC Law. We offer a free, no-obligation consultation and No Win-No Fee on approved claims.

Can Casual Employees Claim Workers Compensation In Queensland?

By News & Articles

Casual employees make up a large proportion of the Australian Workforce, with around 3 million people casually employed. Casual workers can be employed directly by an employer or through a labour hire agency.

Casual workers are usually employed in temporary or contract jobs and work irregular hours. They are not entitled to sick pay or holiday leave like full time employees.

While casual employees often endure job uncertainty, from a workers compensation perspective, all casual employees are treated the same as full time workers.

Casual work can make employees especially vulnerable to injury from health and safety issues. Casual employees can miss out on crucial advice about assessed risks of injury, safe manual handling advice and safety procedures.

In Queensland, employees who work on a casual basis often wonder if they are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to the rights and processes involved in claiming workers’ compensation as a casual employee in Queensland.

Are Casual Employees Entitled to Workers Compensation in Queensland?

Workers’ compensation is a form of insurance, compulsory on all employers that provides benefits to employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses. In Queensland, casual employees are generally eligible to claim workers’ compensation if they meet certain criteria.

Firstly, a casual employee must demonstrate that their injury or illness arose out of or in the course of their employment. This means that the injury or illness must be directly related to their work activities or conditions.

For example, let’s consider a scenario where a casual employee, named Sarah, works as a waitress in a busy restaurant in Queensland. One day, while carrying a tray of hot dishes to a table, Sarah slips on a wet floor and injures her back. In this case, Sarah’s injury clearly arose out of her employment as a waitress, as it happened while she was performing her duties.

Additionally, the casual employee must establish that they were engaged in employment at the time of the incident. This typically requires demonstrating that they were undertaking work for their employer, whether it is via a written contract or a verbal agreement.

Continuing with Sarah’s example, she can easily prove that she was engaged in employment at the time of the incident. She was on her scheduled shift, wearing her uniform, and carrying out her duties as a waitress when the accident occurred. Therefore, Sarah satisfies this requirement.

However, it is important to note that workers’ compensation laws can be complex and nuanced, and each case is unique. Therefore, it is advisable for casual employees to seek legal advice to fully understand their entitlements.

The Process of Claiming Workers Compensation as a Casual Employee in Queensland

The process of claiming workers’ compensation as a casual employee in Queensland involves several steps. It is crucial to follow these steps carefully to ensure a successful claim:

  1. Notify the employer: The injured casual employee must notify their employer of the injury as soon as possible. This notification should be in writing and include details of the incident, including the time, date, and nature of the injury.
    When notifying the employer, it is important to provide as much information as possible to ensure that the claim is properly documented. This includes providing details about the location of the incident, any witnesses present, and any contributing factors that may have led to the injury. By providing a clear and comprehensive account of the incident, the injured casual employee can help establish the validity of their claim
  2. Seek medical treatment: Obtaining appropriate medical treatment is crucial for the injured casual employee’s well-being and their workers’ compensation claim. It is important to attend medical appointments and provide accurate and thorough information about the injury or illness.
    When seeking medical treatment, it is important to choose a healthcare provider who is experienced in treating work-related injuries. This ensures that the injured casual employee receives the necessary care and that their medical records accurately reflect the extent of their injuries. It is also important to provide the healthcare provider with a detailed account of the incident and any symptoms experienced, as this information will be used to assess the claim.
  3. Lodge a workers’ compensation claim: The injured casual employee must complete and lodge a workers’ compensation claim form with WorkCover Queensland. This form should include all relevant information about the injury, treatment received, and any supporting documentation.
    When completing the workers’ compensation claim form, it is important to be thorough and accurate. The injured casual employee should provide a detailed account of the incident, including any contributing factors and the impact it has had on their ability to work. It is also important to include any supporting documentation, such as medical reports, witness statements, or photographs, that can help substantiate the claim.
  4. Cooperate with the claims process: Throughout the claims process, the injured casual employee must cooperate with their employer, WorkCover Queensland, and any other parties involved. This may involve attending medical assessments, providing additional documentation, or participating in rehabilitation programs.
    Cooperating with the claims process is essential to ensure that the claim is processed efficiently and accurately. This includes attending any scheduled medical assessments and providing any requested documentation promptly. It is also important to actively participate in any rehabilitation programs recommended by healthcare providers, as this can help facilitate the injured casual employee’s recovery and return to work.
  5. Review and appeal if necessary: If the claim is initially denied, the injured casual employee has the right to request a review. It may be helpful to seek legal assistance during this stage to navigate the appeal process effectively.
    If the claim is denied, it is important not to lose hope. Seeking legal assistance can provide valuable guidance and support throughout the review and appeal process. An experienced workers’ compensation lawyer can help gather additional evidence, prepare strong arguments, and represent the injured casual employee’s interests during any hearings or negotiations.

Remember, the process of claiming workers’ compensation as a casual employee in Queensland can be complex, but by following these steps and seeking appropriate assistance when needed, injured casual employees can increase their chances of a successful claim.

What am I Entitled to as a Casual Employee?

Every casual employee is covered by WorkCover in Queensland. This is a workers’ compensation insurance that exists in Queensland and covers serious work-related injuries that impact an employee’s ability to work or their overall lifestyle. An employee may be entitled to weekly payments to cover loss of income, money to cover medical and rehabilitation expenses or a lump sum if the casual worker is permanently impaired by the injury suffered at work.

Alternatively, if a casual employee experiences psychological injuries and excessive stress due to their job, they may be eligible for paid Workers’ Compensation Stress Leave, however this is rarely awarded in Queensland. The employee can also seek coverage for medical expenses under this WorkCover stress leave.

Casual employees are entitled to and can apply for workers compensation with WorkCover Queensland if they are injured at work. WorkCover is compulsory in Queensland and every employer must hold a WorkCover Accident Insurance policy unless they are a registered self-insurer.

If an employer has neglected to pay for this insurance policy to cover their employees, a casual worker is still covered by WorkCover. This will not impact the support and entitlements the casual worker will receive.

What WorkCover Queensland benefits can I Receive as a Casual Worker?

Generally there are 2 avenues to compensation under WorkCover Queensland.

  1. Statutory Benefits
    If a casual worker is injured at work they are entitled to payment of weekly compensation benefits, medical and hospital expenses and rehabilitation. If a casual worker has been left with a permanent impairment as a result of their injury they may also be entitled to a lump sum payment of compensation.
  2. Common Law Damages
    If a casual worker is injured as a result of the fault of their employer then they will have an entitlement to common law damages. The amount of common law damages will usually greatly exceed the lump sum payment of compensation from WorkCover.

Avoiding Common Mistakes When Claiming Workers Compensation as a Casual Employee in Queensland

When claiming workers’ compensation as a casual employee in Queensland, it is essential to avoid common mistakes that can jeopardize the success of the claim. Some key mistakes to avoid include:

One of the most crucial mistakes to avoid is the failure to notify the employer promptly. As a casual employee, it is vital to inform your employer about any injury or illness as soon as possible. Delaying the notification can weaken the claim and may even result in the denial of benefits. Therefore, it is important to prioritise prompt communication with your employer to ensure that your claim is taken seriously and given the attention it deserves.

In addition to prompt notification, providing sufficient medical evidence is another critical aspect of a successful workers’ compensation claim. As a casual employee, it is essential to obtain comprehensive and accurate medical documentation to substantiate your claim. This evidence plays a vital role in proving the extent of your injury or illness and its relation to your work. Failing to obtain appropriate medical documentation can hinder the success of your claim, as it may lead to doubts about the validity and severity of your condition.

While navigating the workers’ compensation process can be complex, casual employees can benefit greatly from seeking legal advice. Workers’ compensation laws can be intricate and vary from state to state, making it essential to understand your rights and entitlements fully. By consulting with a lawyer experienced in workers’ compensation claims, you can gain valuable insights and guidance throughout the process. This can help you navigate any potential pitfalls and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.

Completing claim forms accurately and thoroughly is another crucial step in avoiding unnecessary delays or denial of benefits. As a casual employee, it is important to carefully fill out all necessary claim forms and ensure the accuracy of the provided information. Any incomplete or inaccurate information can lead to complications and delays in the processing of your claim. Therefore, taking the time to double-check all the details and ensuring that all required fields are properly filled out can significantly contribute to the success of your claim.

In conclusion, when claiming workers’ compensation as a casual employee in Queensland, it is vital to avoid common mistakes that can jeopardize the success of your claim. By promptly notifying your employer, providing sufficient medical evidence, seeking legal advice, and completing claim forms accurately, you can increase your chances of a successful outcome. Remember, the workers’ compensation process can be complex, but with the right approach and attention to detail, you can navigate it effectively and secure the benefits you are entitled to.

Key Advice About WorkCover for Casual Employees

  • All casual workers injured at work are entitled to WorkCover in Queensland and any casual worker can apply for WorkCover
  • All casual workers injured at work are entitled to WorkCover in Queensland and any casual worker can apply for WorkCover
  • It is illegal to make a casual worker redundant as a result of a WorkCover injury claim
  • Casual employees are entitled to either statutory benefits or common law damages following a WorkCover injury claim.
  • To quickly calculate your WorkCover benefits as a casual, simply find the average hours worked each week. You will be entitled to a replacement income based on this average figure

How GC Law Can Help Injured Casual Workers Claim Compensation in Queensland

GC Law is a leading law firm in Queensland that specialises in workers’ compensation claims. Our team of experienced personal injury lawyers can assist injured casual workers in navigating the complexities of the claims process and ensure their rights are protected.

This information should in no way be taken as legal advice and is designed as general information regarding casual worker’s injury compensation in Queensland. GC Law recommends that you speak to a lawyer regarding your situation.

Are You Covered by Workers Compensation in Queensland if Injured at Home?

By News & Articles

In Queensland, workers compensation is a crucial protection system that provides financial support and medical assistance to workers who suffer injuries or illnesses in the course of their employment. However, one question that arises is whether workers are covered by this compensation if they sustain injuries while working from the comfort of their own homes. Obviously, there has been a significant increase in the numbers of employees working from since the advent of COVId-19. This article aims to explore the intricacies of workers compensation in Queensland and shed light on the extent of coverage for injuries sustained at home.

When Will Workers Compensation Cover Injuries When Working at Home?

Workers compensation coverage for injuries sustained at home depends on several factors. To determine eligibility, one must assess the nature of the injury and the circumstances under which it occurred. Generally, injuries that arise out of employment activities and occur during work hours are covered. This means that if you are employed and conducting work-related activities from home, the chances are high that you will be covered by workers compensation in the event of an injury.

However, it is important to note that injuries that occur during breaks or unrelated activities, such as personal tasks or hobbies, may not be covered by workers compensation. For instance, if you take a break to cook lunch and accidentally cut yourself, you may not be eligible for compensation as this would be considered a personal and unrelated activity.

Working from home has become increasingly common in recent years, especially with the rise of remote work and the advancements in technology that allow people to perform their job duties from the comfort of their own homes. This shift in the work landscape has raised questions about workers compensation coverage for injuries that occur while working remotely.

When it comes to determining whether an injury sustained while working at home is covered by workers compensation, one of the key factors is whether the injury arose out of employment activities. This means that the injury must be directly related to the work being performed. For example, if you are a graphic designer and you sustained carpal tunnel syndrome due to the repetitious nature of using the computer mouse, that would likely be considered an injury arising out of employment activities and would be covered by workers compensation.

Another important factor to consider is whether the injury occurred during work hours. Just like injuries that occur in a traditional office setting, injuries that happen while working from home are generally covered if they occur during the designated work hours. However, it is important to note that defining work hours can sometimes be more challenging when working remotely, as there may be more flexibility in terms of when work is performed.

It is also worth mentioning that the location where the injury occurred can play a role in determining workers compensation coverage. In some cases, injuries that happen in areas of the home that are designated as the employee’s workspace may be more likely to be covered. However, this can vary depending on the specific circumstances and the laws of the jurisdiction in which the employee is located.

While injuries that occur during breaks or unrelated activities may not be covered by workers compensation, it is important for employers and employees to have clear guidelines and policies in place to ensure that everyone understands what is considered work-related and what is not. This can help prevent confusion and potential disputes when it comes to determining eligibility for workers compensation coverage.

Overall, workers compensation coverage for injuries sustained while working at home is determined by a variety of factors, including the nature of the injury, the circumstances under which it occurred, and whether it arose out of employment activities. It is important for both employers and employees to be aware of these factors and to have clear communication and guidelines in place to ensure that everyone understands their rights and responsibilities when it comes to workers compensation coverage.

What is an Example of Someone Injured at Home Who Received Workers Compensation in Queensland?

In 2011 the Administrative Appeals Tribunal decided in favour of a worker who was injured while working in her own home.  In the matter of Hargreaves and Telstra Corporation Limited [2011] AATA 417 (17 June 2011) the worker was injured when she fell down the stairs at her home while she was working for Telstra.  At the time of each fall she was logged into Telstra’s computer system and had gotten up from her workstation for a short break, like taking a tea break in an office environment.  In this case, the worker was entitled to make a claim for workers’ compensation for the injuries that she sustained at work.

What to do if You’re Injured at Home and Covered by Workers Compensation

If you sustain an injury while working at home and you believe you are covered by workers compensation, there are important steps to follow. Firstly, report the injury to your employer as soon as possible. This ensures that your employer is aware of the situation and can initiate the necessary procedures for your claim.

When reporting the injury, be sure to provide detailed information about how the accident occurred and the specific injuries you have sustained. This information will be crucial in determining the validity of your claim and the amount of compensation you may be entitled to. It is important to be as thorough and accurate as possible when describing the incident, as any inconsistencies or gaps in your account may raise doubts about the legitimacy of your claim.

Once you have reported the injury, your employer will likely require you to fill out a workers compensation claim form. This form will ask for details about the accident, your injuries, and any medical treatment you have received. It is important to complete this form accurately and honestly, as any false or misleading information could jeopardize your claim.

Secondly, seek immediate medical attention for your injury. It is essential to document the extent and nature of your injury to support your claim. When visiting a healthcare professional, be sure to provide a detailed account of how the injury occurred and any symptoms you are experiencing. This will help the medical provider accurately diagnose and treat your injury, as well as provide necessary documentation for your workers compensation claim.

Depending on the severity of your injury, your healthcare provider may recommend additional diagnostic tests, such as X-rays or MRIs, to further evaluate the extent of the damage. These tests can provide valuable evidence to support your claim and ensure that you receive appropriate compensation for your injuries.

Thirdly, consult with a workers compensation lawyer to guide you through the claim process. They will provide expert advice and ensure that you receive the compensation you are entitled to. A workers compensation lawyer will review the details of your case, assess the strength of your claim, and help you navigate the complex legal procedures involved in obtaining compensation.

During your consultation with a workers compensation lawyer, be prepared to provide all relevant documentation, including medical records, accident reports, and any correspondence with your employer or their insurance company. This will help the lawyer evaluate the strength of your claim and determine the best course of action to maximize your chances of a successful outcome.

In addition to assisting with the claim process, a workers compensation lawyer can also help you understand your rights as an injured worker. They can advise you on any potential legal issues that may arise, such as disputes over the extent of your injuries or disagreements with your employer’s insurance company.

It is important to remember that the workers compensation claim process can be complex and time-consuming. Having an experienced lawyer by your side can greatly increase your chances of a successful outcome and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

What Benefits are Provided by Workers Compensation in Queensland?

Workers compensation in Queensland offers various benefits to support injured workers. These benefits include:

* Medical and rehabilitation expenses: Workers compensation covers the costs of medical treatments, therapies, and rehabilitation services necessary for the injured worker’s recovery.

* Income support: If the injured worker is unable to work temporarily or permanently due to the injury, workers compensation provides income support to compensate for the lost wages.

* Return to work assistance: Workers compensation includes programs and services designed to assist injured workers with their return to work, such as vocational training and job placement support.

* Lump-sum settlements: In some cases, workers may be eligible for a lump-sum settlement, which provides a one-time payment to compensate for permanent impairment or loss of function resulting from the injury.

These benefits aim to alleviate the financial and emotional burdens faced by injured workers, enabling them to focus on their recovery and reintegration into the workforce.

How GC Law Can Help Injured Workers Claim Compensation for Injuries Sustained at Home

When it comes to navigating the complexities of workers compensation claims for injuries sustained at home, seeking expert assistance is crucial. GC Law, a leading law firm specializing in workers compensation, has a team of experienced personal injury lawyers who can provide the necessary guidance and support to injured workers.

If you have been injured at work or during the course of your employment, you should contact GC Law for FREE advice about your workers’ compensation entitlements.

This information should in no way be taken as legal advice and is designed as general information regarding casual worker’s injury compensation in Queensland. GC Law recommends that you speak to a compensation lawyers regarding your situation.

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